Author Archives: admin

Cancard UK – Medical Cannabis Card

Cancard UK

Cancard The cannabis card system could decriminalise the drug and make possession legal for up to 3.5 million Britons who use the drug to treat medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis and cancer. Two years after legalising medical cannabis in the UK, British medical cannabis patients will have immunity from prosecution, as the police chief […]

Good times are ahead! Celebrate with The Botanical Garden and get your FREE Back2Life 5% CBD Oil

Back2Life FREE CBD Oil.

The Botanical Garden is proud to have positively affected the wellbeing and health of millions of people all around the world. Possibly including yours! In return for that loyalty, we are giving away FREE CBD OIL with every Dutch Natural Healing order. Now, we’re celebrating the fact that we’re slowly getting back to life with […]

Botanical CBD Brand Launch – 30ml CBD for only £24.99!

CBD Extra Citrus.

CBD EXTRA and CBD EXTRA PLUS We are pleased and excited to launch a very own brand of CBD, we could not have done this without all our your support and custom, SO MASSIVE THANKS TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS OLD AND NEW! Our CBD Extra Edition is a 100% natural broad spectrum CBD Oil, full […]

CBD Chocolate Cacao and Cocoa the differences.

CBD Cacao or Cocoa Products.

Despite the similarities in their spelling, cacao and cocoa are two very different ingredients. All of the chocolate products you eat are derived from cacao seeds in some form or another, which are derived from the cacao plant — an evergreen tree that grows in South America and West Africa. Cacao seeds grow in large pods on […]

What is Entourage Effect CBD Oil?

CBD Entourage Effect. The Botanical Garden.

There is a lot of information that has been gathered through numerous studies concerning whether CBD is better after it has been isolated from all the other ingredients produced by the plant, hence the term CBD Isolate, or if it is better used in conjunction with all the other compounds that are naturally produced by […]

Is CBD Hemp Oil Legal in the UK?

Entourage Effect The Botanical Garden.

There are many conflicting stories concerning the legality of CBD products on offer in the UK. Most of which are caused by a  misunderstanding of the product, which people wrongly think has the same hallucinogenic mind-altering features that THC has. They are two very different substances and each has its own particular effects on the […]

The Botanical Garden
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